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Turgut Kutlu
GAZİOSMANPAŞA ÜNİVERSİTESİ TÜRKİYE FEN BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ TOPRAK (DR) YÜKSEK LİSANS University of Florida AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİ Toprak ve Su Bilimi Modeling Convective Water Flow İn Repacked Sand Columns By Breakthrough Curves Of Chloride Anadolu J. Agric. Sci. (Yıl:2010 Ay:1 Cilt:25 Sayi:) Ersahin S, Askın T, Tarakcıoglu C, Ozenç, D.B., Korkmaz, K., Kutlu, T Endekste taranmıyor Uluslararası Özgün Makale Hakemli ÖZGÜN MAKALE - 2008 Evaluation Of Soil Physical Quality İn Mollic Ustifluvent, Typic Ustifluvent And Typic Ustorthent Using Dexter's S-Theory JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT (Yıl:2008 Ay:7 Cilt:6 Sayi:3-4) Kutlu Turgut , Ersahin Sabit SCI-Expanded Uluslararası Özgün Makale Hakemli ÖZGÜN MAKALE - 2008 Relations Between Solid Fractal Dimension And Some Physical Properties Of Soils Formed Over Alluvial And Colluvial Deposits JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT (Yıl:2008 Ay:7 Cilt:6 Sayi:3-4) Kutlu Turgut , Ersahin Sabit , Yetgin Buket SCI-Expanded Uluslararası Özgün Makale Hakemli ÖZGÜN MAKALE - 2008 Nonequilibrium Transport Of Potassium As İnfluenced By Soil Structure 13th International fertilizer symposium on? Fertilizer in Context with Resource Management in Agriculture (Yıl:2008 Ay:7 Cilt: Sayi:) Erşahin S, Günal H, Saltalı K, Kutlu T Endekste taranmıyor Uluslararası Özgün Makale Hakemli ÖZGÜN MAKALE - 2008 Relations Between Pore Fractal Dimension (Dp) And Some Physical Properties Of Alluvial-Colluvial Soils JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT (Yıl:2008 Ay:7 Cilt:6 Sayi:3-4) Kutlu Turgut , Ersahin Sabit SCI-Expanded Uluslararası Özgün Makale Hakemli ÖZGÜN MAKALE - 2008 Effects Of Drinking Water Treatment Sludge On Crop Quality Of Zea Mays L. International International Meeting on Soil Fertility, Land Management and Agroclimatology (Yıl:2008 Ay:1 Cilt: Sayi:) Celik A., Unal M, Kutlu T Endekste taranmıyor Uluslararası Özgün Makale Hakemli ÖZGÜN MAKALE - 2008 Calibration Of Van Genuchten Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity Parameters By Regression Technique International International Meeting on Soil Fertility, Land Management and Agroclimatology (Yıl:2008 Ay:1 Cilt: Sayi:) Kutlu Turgut, Ersahin Sabit Endekste taranmıyor Uluslararası Özgün Makale Hakemli ÖZGÜN MAKALE - 2008 Use Of Chromameter-Measured Colorparameters İn Estimating Color-Related Soil Variables Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (Yıl:2008 Ay:1 Cilt: Sayi:39) Gunal H, Ersahin S, Yetgin B, Kutlu, T SCI-Expanded Uluslararası Özgün Makale Hakemli ÖZGÜN MAKALE - 2007 Water Supply Crisis İn The Eastern Marmara Of Turkey Proceedings of SECOTOX conference and International Conference on Environmental Management Engineering (Yıl:2007 Ay:1 Cilt: Sayi:) Bobat A, Kutlu T, Celik A, Unal M., Otar S. Endekste taranmıyor Uluslararası Özgün Makale Hakemli ÖZGÜN MAKALE - 2007 Dilemma Of Industrial Development And Agricultural Sustainability İn Kocaeli Second Annual YOK-SUNY Collaboration Symposium on Scientific Collaboration for Sustainable Development (Yıl:2007 Ay:1 Cilt: Sayi:) Otar S., Unal M., Celik A., Kutlu T Endekste taranmıyor Uluslararası Özgün Makale Hakemli ÖZGÜN MAKALE - 2007 Effects Of Drinking Water Treatment Sludge On Flowering And Some Quality Properties Of Fressia Spp. Proceedings of SECOTOX conference and International Conference on Environmental Management Engineering (Yıl:2007 Ay:1 Cilt: Sayi:) Celik A., Unal M, Kutlu T Endekste taranmıyor Uluslararası Özgün Makale Hakemli ÖZGÜN MAKALE - 2007 Differentiation Of Soil Horizons By Quantified Soil Color Parameters Agrochimica (Yıl:2007 Ay:1 Cilt: Sayi:51) Gunal H, Ersahin S, Kutlu T, Yetgin, B SCI-Expanded Uluslararası Özgün Makale Hakemli ÖZGÜN MAKALE - 2006 Fractal Dimensions Of Pore-Size Distribution As Affected By Particle-Size Distributions Of Some Turkish Soils International Soil Meeting (ISM) on ?Soils Sustaining Life on Earth (Managing Soil and Technology)?. (Yıl:2006 Ay:1 Cilt: Sayi:) Ersahin S, Günal H, Kutlu T, Yetgin, B Endekste taranmıyor Uluslararası Özgün Makale Hakemli ÖZGÜN MAKALE - 2006 Differentiation Of Soil Horizons By Quantified Soil Color Parameters International Soil Meeting (ISM) on ?Soils Sustaining Life on Earth (Managing Soil and Technology)?. (Yıl:2006 Ay:1 Cilt: Sayi:) Gunal H, Ersahin S, Kutlu T, Yetgin B. Endekste taranmıyor Uluslararası Özgün Makale Hakemli ÖZGÜN MAKALE - 2006 Spatial Variability Of Some Soil Hydraulic Properties: Effect Of Sampling International Soil Meeting (ISM) on ?Soils Sustaining Life on Earth (Managing Soil and Technology)?. (Yıl:2006 Ay:1 Cilt: Sayi:) Yetgin B, Ersahin S, Kutlu T,, Günal H. Endekste taranmıyor Uluslararası Özgün Makale Hakemli ÖZGÜN MAKALE - 2006 Comparison Of Van Genuchten Parameters Obtained Experimentally Using Inverse Function, And Predicted Using Rosetta Neural Network Program International Soil Meeting (ISM) on ?Soils Sustaining Life on Earth (Managing Soil and Technology)?. (Yıl:2006 Ay:1 Cilt: Sayi:) KUTLU T, ERSAHİN S, GUNAL H, YETGİN B Endekste taranmıyor Uluslararası Özgün Makale Hakemli ÖZGÜN MAKALE - 2006 Estimating Specific Surface Area And Cation Exchange Capacity İn Soils With Fractal Dimension Of Particle- Size Distribution Geoderma (Yıl:2006 Ay:1 Cilt: Sayi:136) Ersahin S, Gunal H, Kutlu T, Yetgin, B, Coban, S. SSCI Uluslararası Özgün Makale Hakemli ÖZGÜN MAKALE - 2004 A Moisture Control System To Maintain Constant Soil Water Potential İn Greenhouse And Laboratory Experiments International Soil Congress (ISC) on ?Natural Research Management for Sustainable Development (Yıl:2004 Ay:1 Cilt: Sayi:) Kutlu T, Ersahin S, Yetgin B Endekste taranmıyor Uluslararası Özgün Makale Hakemli |
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