19.02.2010, 19:48
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Murat AKKURT Özgeçmişi
Doğum Tarihi ve Yeri : 13/07/1973 - Ankara
Bilimdalı :Bağ Yetiştirme ve Islahı
Yabancı Dil :Almanca, İngilizce
Uzmanlık Alanları :Bağ Yetiştirme ve Islahı
# M. Akkurt, L. Welter, E. Maul, R. Töpfer and E. Zyprian, 2007. Development of SCAR markers linked to powdery mildew (Uncinula necator) resistance in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. and Vitis sp.). Mol. Breeding. 19: 103-111.
# Leocir J. W., M. Akkurt, I. Salakhutdinov, N. Göktürk-Baydar, R. Eibach,R. Töpfer, E. Zyprian, 2006. Integration of microsatellite and functional gene-based markers for the improvement of a grapevine genetic map. 9th International Conference on Grape Genetics and Breeding, 2-6 July 2006, Udine,Italy.
# E. Zyprian, Welter L.J., M. Akkurt, S. Ebert, I. Salakhutdinov, N. Göktürk-Baydar, R. Eibach and R. Töpfer, 2006. Genetic Analysis of Fungal Disease Resistance in Grapevine. 9th International Conference on Grape Genetics and Breeding, 2-6 July 2006, Udine,Italy.
# E. Zyprian, Welter L. J., M. Akkurt, R. Eibach und R. Töpfer 2006. Die genetische Analyse von Pilzresistenzeigenschaften der Weinrebe. Vort. Pflanzenzüchtung 70, 191-198, 2006.
# E. Zyprian, M. Akkurt, B. Fischer, I. Salakhutdinov, L. Welter, A. Kortekamp, R. Eibach, R. Töpfer, 2005. Fundamental research meets practical breeding: Genetics of disease resistance in grapevine, Int. Grape Genomics Symposium St. Louis, Missouri 12.-14.07.2005. Proceedings Int. Grape Gen. Sym. 163-168. USA.
# E. Zyprian, M. Akkurt, I. Salakhutdinov, S. Vogt, A. Kortekamp, B. Fischer, R. Eibach and R. Töpfer, 2005. Genetic Bases of Fungal Disease Resistance. Workshop on “Defenc Reaction of Grapevine Toward Biotic Stresses. 6-7 May, 2005, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Pıacenza,Italy.
# E. Zyprian, M. Akkurt, I. Salakhutdinov, B. Fischer, L. Welter, R. Eibach und R. Töpfer, 2005. Genetische Analyse und Markerentwicklung für Pilzresistenzeigenschaften der Weinrebe. Tagung ‚“Genomforschung an Pflanzen: Vom Modell zur Sorte“ der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung am 22. und 23. Februar 2005, Deutschland.
# E. Zyprian, M. Akkurt, R. Töpfer, 2005. Die Entwicklung genetischer Marker für Resistenz gegen den Echten Mehltau bei Regent. Deut. Weinbau-Jahrb. 2005, (56. Jahrgang), 139-145.
# E. Zyprian, R. Eibach, M. Akkurt, R. Töpfer, 2005. Genetic mapping of SSR markers in grapevine for the analysis of disease resistance and flavor compounds. Plant, Animal & Microbe Genomes XIII Conference. January 15-19, 2005. Town & Country Convention Center. San Diego, CA.
# B. Fischer, I. Salakhutdinov, M. Akkurt, R. Eibach, R., Edwards, K.J., Töpfer, R., Zyprian, E.M. (2004): Quantitative trait locus analysis of fungal disease resistance factors on a molecular map of grapevine. Theor. Appl. Genet. 108: 501-515.
# I. Salakhutdinov, B. Fischer, M. Akkurt, R. Eibach, R. Töpfer, E. Zyprian, 2003. Genetische Kartierung der Weinrebe, Perspektiven für Forschung und moderne Rebenzüchtung. Deut. Weinbau-Jahrb. (54): 53-64.
# B. Fischer, I. Salakhutdinov, M. Akkurt, A. Kortekamp, R. Eibach, R. Töpfer and E. Zyprian, 2002. Molecular mapping of [Regent x Lemberger] and QTL-analysis of agronomic traits. Proceedings of the VIIIth International Conference on Grape Genetics and Breeding. Kecskemét, Hungary, August, 2002. Acta Horticulturae 603, ISHS 2003, 511-517.
# E. Zyprian, I. Salakhutdinov, B. Fischer, M. Akkurt, R. Töpfer 2002. Molecular mapping of grapevine and Qtl analysis of fungal disease resistances. Plant, Animal & Microbe Genomes X Conference. January 12-16, 2002. Town & Country Convention Center. San Diego, CA.
# M. Akkurt 2002. Der Weinbau in der Türkei. Geilweilerhof aktuell. 30. Jahrgang, Heft 2: 51-56, Dezember 2002.
# N. Göktürk Baydar and M. Akkurt 2001. Oil content and oil quality properties of some grape seeds. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 25(3):163-168.
# N. Göktürk Baydar, R.E. Anlı, M. Akkurt, 2000. Tarımsal Savaşımda Kullanılan Kimyasalların Üzüm ve Şarap Kalitesi ile Şaraplarda Bazı Ağır Metal İçerikleri Üzerine Araştırmalar. Gıda Dergisi, 25(6): 449-457.
# H. Çelik, G. Söylemezoğlu, B. Marasalı, Y. Fidan, Y.S. Ağaoğlu, A. İlbay, ve M. Akkurt, 1999. Kalecik Karası Üzüm Çeşidi (Klon-12) İçin Ankara Koşullarında En Uygun Asma Anacının Belirlenmesi. Türkiye III. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, 14-17 Eylül , s.579-583, Ankara.
# M. Akkurt, Y. Fidan, 1998. Meram (Konya) İlçesi Bağcılığı ve Yörede Yetiştirilen Üzüm Çeşitlerinin Ampelografik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. 4. Bağcılık Sempozyumu, 20-23 Ekim, s 345-349, Yalova
# Murat Akkurt, Leocir Welter, Reinhard Töpfer and Eva Zyprian 2007: Development of SCAR markers linked to downy mildew (Plasmopora viticola) resistance in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. and Vitis sp.). Vitis. In press.
# Welter, L. J., Göktürk-Baydar, N., Akkurt, M., Maul., E., Eibach, R., Töpfer, R. and Zyprian, E. 2007: Genetic mapping and localisation of quantitative trait loci affecting fungal disease resistance and leaf morphology in grapevine (/Vitis vinifera/ L.). Mol. Breed., 20:359-374.
# Z. Gökbayrak, G. Söylemezoğlu, M. Akkurt, H. Çelik. 2007: Determinatıon of graftıng compatibility of grapevıne with electrophoretic methods. Scientia Horticulturae 113:343-352.
Doğum Tarihi ve Yeri : 13/07/1973 - Ankara
Bilimdalı :Bağ Yetiştirme ve Islahı
Yabancı Dil :Almanca, İngilizce
Uzmanlık Alanları :Bağ Yetiştirme ve Islahı
# M. Akkurt, L. Welter, E. Maul, R. Töpfer and E. Zyprian, 2007. Development of SCAR markers linked to powdery mildew (Uncinula necator) resistance in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. and Vitis sp.). Mol. Breeding. 19: 103-111.
# Leocir J. W., M. Akkurt, I. Salakhutdinov, N. Göktürk-Baydar, R. Eibach,R. Töpfer, E. Zyprian, 2006. Integration of microsatellite and functional gene-based markers for the improvement of a grapevine genetic map. 9th International Conference on Grape Genetics and Breeding, 2-6 July 2006, Udine,Italy.
# E. Zyprian, Welter L.J., M. Akkurt, S. Ebert, I. Salakhutdinov, N. Göktürk-Baydar, R. Eibach and R. Töpfer, 2006. Genetic Analysis of Fungal Disease Resistance in Grapevine. 9th International Conference on Grape Genetics and Breeding, 2-6 July 2006, Udine,Italy.
# E. Zyprian, Welter L. J., M. Akkurt, R. Eibach und R. Töpfer 2006. Die genetische Analyse von Pilzresistenzeigenschaften der Weinrebe. Vort. Pflanzenzüchtung 70, 191-198, 2006.
# E. Zyprian, M. Akkurt, B. Fischer, I. Salakhutdinov, L. Welter, A. Kortekamp, R. Eibach, R. Töpfer, 2005. Fundamental research meets practical breeding: Genetics of disease resistance in grapevine, Int. Grape Genomics Symposium St. Louis, Missouri 12.-14.07.2005. Proceedings Int. Grape Gen. Sym. 163-168. USA.
# E. Zyprian, M. Akkurt, I. Salakhutdinov, S. Vogt, A. Kortekamp, B. Fischer, R. Eibach and R. Töpfer, 2005. Genetic Bases of Fungal Disease Resistance. Workshop on “Defenc Reaction of Grapevine Toward Biotic Stresses. 6-7 May, 2005, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Pıacenza,Italy.
# E. Zyprian, M. Akkurt, I. Salakhutdinov, B. Fischer, L. Welter, R. Eibach und R. Töpfer, 2005. Genetische Analyse und Markerentwicklung für Pilzresistenzeigenschaften der Weinrebe. Tagung ‚“Genomforschung an Pflanzen: Vom Modell zur Sorte“ der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung am 22. und 23. Februar 2005, Deutschland.
# E. Zyprian, M. Akkurt, R. Töpfer, 2005. Die Entwicklung genetischer Marker für Resistenz gegen den Echten Mehltau bei Regent. Deut. Weinbau-Jahrb. 2005, (56. Jahrgang), 139-145.
# E. Zyprian, R. Eibach, M. Akkurt, R. Töpfer, 2005. Genetic mapping of SSR markers in grapevine for the analysis of disease resistance and flavor compounds. Plant, Animal & Microbe Genomes XIII Conference. January 15-19, 2005. Town & Country Convention Center. San Diego, CA.
# B. Fischer, I. Salakhutdinov, M. Akkurt, R. Eibach, R., Edwards, K.J., Töpfer, R., Zyprian, E.M. (2004): Quantitative trait locus analysis of fungal disease resistance factors on a molecular map of grapevine. Theor. Appl. Genet. 108: 501-515.
# I. Salakhutdinov, B. Fischer, M. Akkurt, R. Eibach, R. Töpfer, E. Zyprian, 2003. Genetische Kartierung der Weinrebe, Perspektiven für Forschung und moderne Rebenzüchtung. Deut. Weinbau-Jahrb. (54): 53-64.
# B. Fischer, I. Salakhutdinov, M. Akkurt, A. Kortekamp, R. Eibach, R. Töpfer and E. Zyprian, 2002. Molecular mapping of [Regent x Lemberger] and QTL-analysis of agronomic traits. Proceedings of the VIIIth International Conference on Grape Genetics and Breeding. Kecskemét, Hungary, August, 2002. Acta Horticulturae 603, ISHS 2003, 511-517.
# E. Zyprian, I. Salakhutdinov, B. Fischer, M. Akkurt, R. Töpfer 2002. Molecular mapping of grapevine and Qtl analysis of fungal disease resistances. Plant, Animal & Microbe Genomes X Conference. January 12-16, 2002. Town & Country Convention Center. San Diego, CA.
# M. Akkurt 2002. Der Weinbau in der Türkei. Geilweilerhof aktuell. 30. Jahrgang, Heft 2: 51-56, Dezember 2002.
# N. Göktürk Baydar and M. Akkurt 2001. Oil content and oil quality properties of some grape seeds. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 25(3):163-168.
# N. Göktürk Baydar, R.E. Anlı, M. Akkurt, 2000. Tarımsal Savaşımda Kullanılan Kimyasalların Üzüm ve Şarap Kalitesi ile Şaraplarda Bazı Ağır Metal İçerikleri Üzerine Araştırmalar. Gıda Dergisi, 25(6): 449-457.
# H. Çelik, G. Söylemezoğlu, B. Marasalı, Y. Fidan, Y.S. Ağaoğlu, A. İlbay, ve M. Akkurt, 1999. Kalecik Karası Üzüm Çeşidi (Klon-12) İçin Ankara Koşullarında En Uygun Asma Anacının Belirlenmesi. Türkiye III. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, 14-17 Eylül , s.579-583, Ankara.
# M. Akkurt, Y. Fidan, 1998. Meram (Konya) İlçesi Bağcılığı ve Yörede Yetiştirilen Üzüm Çeşitlerinin Ampelografik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. 4. Bağcılık Sempozyumu, 20-23 Ekim, s 345-349, Yalova
# Murat Akkurt, Leocir Welter, Reinhard Töpfer and Eva Zyprian 2007: Development of SCAR markers linked to downy mildew (Plasmopora viticola) resistance in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. and Vitis sp.). Vitis. In press.
# Welter, L. J., Göktürk-Baydar, N., Akkurt, M., Maul., E., Eibach, R., Töpfer, R. and Zyprian, E. 2007: Genetic mapping and localisation of quantitative trait loci affecting fungal disease resistance and leaf morphology in grapevine (/Vitis vinifera/ L.). Mol. Breed., 20:359-374.
# Z. Gökbayrak, G. Söylemezoğlu, M. Akkurt, H. Çelik. 2007: Determinatıon of graftıng compatibility of grapevıne with electrophoretic methods. Scientia Horticulturae 113:343-352.