Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Pikan Cevizi Zararlısı Pecan Nut Casebearer (İngilizce)

22.12.2012, 16:33
The adult casebearer is a gray moth about 1/3 inch long with a ridge of dark scales running across the forewings. The moths are active only at night when they mate and lay eggs on pecan nuts. Most eggs are found on the nutlet tips. Each female lays 50 to 150 eggs during her 5- to 8-day life. The greenish-white to white eggs change to pink or red before hatch.

Yazının devamına buradan (http://www.ziraatciyiz.org/_docs/10423-pecan-nut-casebearer-english.rar) bakabilirsiniz.

Üç ayrı dosyaya yukarıdaki linklerden şifresi ulaşabilirsiniz. İNGİLİZCE
